IT’s Drive to Self-Destruction

date:2007-02-18 22:32:50
category:Economics of Software

My approach to preventing IT insignificance begins with firing the good programmers, since they’re saddled with low-value work to begin with. In order to see what that means, let’s look at the three phases of an IT organization’s collapse to irrelevance. Then we’ll see why some specific reorganization steps can revitalize IT.

Phase 1, Hubris.

During the Hubris phase, projects are undertaken which boggle the mind. CIO’s, swayed by reading books and magazine articles believe that they can make any kind of project work. The CIO’s job is to promote anything that makes sense. In order to justify this approach, the impact of each project must be pervasive.

The projects undertaken in this phase are grand and sweeping; projects like replacing a hodge-podge of back-office systems with some unified ERP application like Oracle Financials or SAP. It’s the ledger system, the backbone of the back-office. It can’t be any more central and sweeping.

The focused conversion of data from old applications to the new application gets circumvented by extensive customization, extension and interfaces. Highly optimized in-house software is supplanted. Rather than replace strange, non-standard processes with processes that fit the off-the-shelf software, the pinnacle of hubris is rewriting the off-the-shelf application so that a peculiar business process is optimized in an unusual way.

This isn’t seen as hubris. It’s seen as necessary customization. It requires a high degree of programming skill. And it also requires incremental delivery.

However, the reason I call it hubris is that the organization is not often able to deliver on this customization. Even a flashy SOA programming toolset, in the hands of improperly managed programmers, can’t deliver on the promise of making an off-the-shelf package fit every user’s individual, contrived whims. It isn’t a skill issue, it’s a management focus issue. See “To rewrite or not rewrite, that is the question ” for related thinking on cost and complexity considerations that will kill any software project.

There’s something good about the Hubris phase: programmers get to program. However, the grandiose projects wind up failing.

Root Cause.

The failure of over-the-top development efforts comes from a single root cause: not solving the business problem. A software development effort must demonstrably solve a business problem. However well-intentioned, carefully planned, meticulously executed the project is, when it doesn’t obviously solve an easy-to-articulate business problem, it’s useless.

The business value proposition for software has to be boiled down to something so pithy and in incontrovertible that a hands-off executive can remember it and repeat it when asked. It helps to position the business value like this: [X] is broken; installing software fixes [X] . It helps to be sure that each executive can describe exactly how [X] is broken, so they know what will be fixed.

Note that we’re not talking about features and benefits. We’re talking about broken and fixed. The difference is that features are nice-to-have. Broken is essential to stay in business. If the project doesn’t fix something that’s broken, it is pure hot air.

If a project contains elements that stray outside the boundaries of Was Broken-To Be Fixed ™ (WBTBF), those elements will (and should) be cut. If these logical extensions and add-ons can’t be separated from the Fixing a Business Problem ™ (FBP) elements, then the whole project will (and should) be cancelled.

Once a hubristic project is cancelled, the organization chills down to a Conciliation phase.

Around the Edges.

When an organization operates in the Hubris phase, there is often a main, resource-hogging project, and many small, around-the-edges projects. The smaller projects are also mismanaged in a way that cripples the organization. They are managed by a process of Descope and Drop into Production ™ (DDP). In this phase, a cool solution to a business problem, one which takes more than 10 months to complete, is descoped, dropped into production, and the developers moved on to something else.

The incomplete application is now a burden on the organization. For the entire life of the application, someone will be fiddling with it, doing ad-hoc work, fixing broken data, rerunning programs with patches and hacks. The cumulative effort spent on “maintenance” and “support” will exceed the effort to put permanent fixes in place. However, maintenance is paid for with Next Year’s Dollars ™ (NYD), which don’t really count.

Often a top-shelf developer is saddled with ad-hoc queries and data reloads. Their creative spark is ground out by the boot-heel of bad management. They get bored doing “programming lite”, when they could be writing real software.

Phase 2, Conciliation.

During the Conciliation phase, all projects must be meticulously cost-justified. CIO’s humbled by earlier failures (or hired to replace a failed CIO) believe that most projects are doomed to fail. The CIO’s job is to prevent anything that involves risk. In order to justify this approach, the impact of each project must be meticulously measured.

Extensive ROI analysis and score-carding are the order of the day. This reaches a level of absurdity when ordinary Business Analysis to justify IT changes has to be justified. We have mini-projects to create the budget for the analysis and planning to create the budget for the first phase of some initiative. In order to justify the justification, the initiative has to have a provable ROI.

Since IT is all about cost reduction, the ROI is based on reduced cost. We can never really measure cost savings because we rarely have usable cost baselines. Some easy project plans will shave a number of people out of the organization. Most projects, however, will make existing people more efficient, and more able to focus on business growth. What’s the ROI of “less fooling around reconciling a bunch of badly-designed spreadsheets”? It wasn’t an entire department, or even a full-time job. But it is the source of occasional multi-million dollar goof-ups. It carries a vast down-side risk; what’s the ROI of avoiding risk?

The IT-initiated ROI analysis never seems to work out well. The business starts to trump IT, doing things on their own. Often, the business will bring in their own developers, justify their own projects to themselves, and spend their own investment dollars in their own Hubris phase. This creates shadow and duplicate IT organizations within the enterprise.

In the Conciliation phase, programmers don’t program. At best, they integrate. The most common situation, however, is the programmers become glorified operators; they run queries and extracts for the users. They manually correct problems because of incomplete or poorly-integrated software. Rewrites and repair can’t be justified but endless maintenance and support is the order of the day.

The Desktop Solution.

In the conciliation phase, few things can be approved, so end-users are forced to work with desktop tools like Excel and Access. IT can’t (or won’t) respond to user requests for automation, so the users become power Excel hacks, learn Access or hire an Access hack to kludge something together. The desktop is there, why not use it?

Desktop products don’t scale well; the solutions are often little better than Personal Programming Projects ™ (PPP) applied to enterprise information assets. To improve these solutions, the users often beg for someone to Scale Our Spreadsheet (SOS). It’s a plea for help, and it goes unrecognized.

The Tipping Point.

There is a tipping point that occurs in the organization. This tipping point is passed when the IT focus slips away from building and using software, to Keeping the Lights On™ (KLO). At some point, the CIO starts shooting down ideas because there isn’t enough new development money. The budget is allocated for KLO work only, and nothing new is possible.

Once we can’t afford change, we’ve devolved to the level of maximum entropy.

Phase 3, Maximum Entropy.

While there are degrees of entropy (from clumsiness to chaos to criminality), it’s all essentially the same net effect to the business. IT is a large, fixed cost. The CIO is simply the head of computer maintenance. Business initiatives come and go, and the CIO’s role is to provide the kind of cost information that helps executives choose the lesser of a number of evils.

There are a number of reasons why entropy is maximized:

  1. All software is interconnected. There’s no focus, no nucleus, no easily identifiable “architecture”, “data flow” or “system of record” for a piece of information. It takes days of meetings just to get an overview of the mission-critical systems. Something as simple as adding software to predict order volumes requires a day to uncover the nuances of a architecture of truly Byzantine complexity.
  2. All people are of equal skill levels. There’s no technical giant who can be trusted to write software and make it work. There’s no architect who can summarize the best way to implement something. There’s no QA person who can speak with authority on process or the software portfolio.
  3. All processes are hopelessly complex. Everything is a special case, and nothing can be changed. For example, all executables are built by programmers and put into production that way because the production support people can’t be trusted to run a build. There’s no standardized build process, and endless meetings only reveal that no one considers it possible to achieve a standardized build process. No one has heard of “open source software” (except in the negative sense of buggy, and virus-ridden); no one has ever seen configure; make; make install as the entire set of instructions for building software.

Consequences of Entropy.

Every move is fraught with “risks”. The “risks” aren’t risks (like cancer, stroke, heart disease), they’re just failure to manage ignorance. The root cause of this level of ignorance, BTW, is the baffling complexity of the application software. There’s no “probability” of failure; it’s essentially certain that any effort will be under-analyzed, under-designed, under-scheduled, and under-funded. Failure isn’t a chance, it’s essentially certain. Success is only possible in the unlikely event that some of the self-serving statements happen to be true.

To make anything happen at all, the end-users are forced to an exaggerated level of mendacity. At inception, they require everything, providing fabulous ROI analysis. At the transition to production, they settle for almost none of what they required at inception. And they’re satisfied, because they knew IT would never deliver on the full set of requirements. They only wrote the full set of requirements to make the project seem important enough that it would rise above the grey goo of IT.

The Conversation.

I listen to conversations that go like this.

Business: We need to fix X (order entry, order value analysis, etc.)

IT: Problem X is based on software S1, S2 and S3, which are unique to each division. Your problem, X, is really only part of divisions 1 and 2, so you can’t impact division 3.

Business: What if I we all use S3?

IT: It doesn’t scale, we can’t support it, the licensing is complex, we don’t have the hardware, our skills aren’t current, it isn’t strategic, it isn’t compatible with R2.

The conversation doesn’t end there. I’m brought in to sort out these various architectural details. In particular the “not compatible” one is a killer. If we’re retiring S2, why can’t we also retire R2? Again, IT has some baffling, complex story that the user’s can’t easily refute. There’s usually some technology issue that doesn’t have any FBP aspect to it; since no obvious business problem is being fixed, no one can determine the value of the software.

A Solution.

Here’s a candidate solution. If we structure IT properly, we can more easily control what is done and by whom. First, we need to structure the overall IT organization around available services. We build IT as if we are going to outsource everything. We look at the network and hardware operations as if they are a hosting services provider. We look at our help desk as if we were outsourcing their skills and knowledge.

The most important thing is to partition software development into a wholly-owned subsidiary. IT, in general, would then be run by a core group of business analysts who knit together solutions to business problems. They “subcontract” to an infrastructure group. They create operation units who work with end-users to successfully use the software solutions.

The main IT organization now “subcontracts” software development to the in-house software development company. That development company creates software solutions as if it had a number of external customers. It writes comprehensible, tidy, intellectually manageable packages.

The In-House Subsidiary.

The in-house software subsidiary creates the products that are used to solve business problems. The subsidiary also provides “level 3” help-desk support, much like all of the other outside software vendors. The programmers don’t run random queries and data extracts for end-users. The operations folks handle that.

The programmers, rather than hand-holding, have to focus on delivering new, expanded value to justify their maintenance agreements. They have to respond to trouble tickets and bug reports, as well as put in enhancements that fit with their software product line.

The programmers aren’t the dutiful drudges that turn user whims into software. They interpret the user requirements into a tidy, comprehensible, compatible, usable package of software. They adhere to in-house interface standards to assure compatibility and interoperability. They provide usable API’s for the operations ETL programmers who are integrating, loading, and extracting data for the end-users.

The Advantage of Distance.

We’ll separate programmers into two groups: our developers and our operations support folks. By separating the developers we do several things:

1. We lift the developers out of the grey goo of the Maximum Entropy phase, and give them a way to effect change. Rather than micro-managing hellishly complex tangles of requirements, we let them cut the Gordian knot by proposing a solution which they can build and maintain. We assign operation support programmers to migrate the data to this solution, handling any integration and operation. We keep a firm hand on the tiller to prevent the operations folks from creating complex applications under the rubric of creating an interface.

2. We end the second-guessing of the Conciliation phase. The programmers own the solution; they create it, they maintain it. Most importantly, they are able to extend it. Projects aren’t cut off at 10 months because managers are bored. Projects become products, which can have a long, productive life.

3. We prevent the pitfalls of Hubris . The software developers have to create a product which solves a business problem. They are, like any vendor, responsible for competing against similar products, and positioning their solution. They have to provide pithy, intelligible summaries. They can’t hide inside IT as just another cost of doing business.

They can’t (initially) compete on price with an external vendor: they don’t have enough products or customers. After a few years of product development, however, they will have enough products in use that the aggregate maintenance fees for those products will keep a development organization running. Each individual product fee would be competitive on the open market.

Since the programmers are – technically – outside the main IT organization, they turn over source for IT to compile, build and install. In this respect, they are now competing against best practices in the open source community. The open source quality bar is set very, very high.

Next Steps.

Fire your best programmers. Re-hire them in a subsidiary that creates products. Cut them off from running reports and extracts. Connect them up with their customers: the business analysts that have to solve business problems with software products.

Make that subsidiary responsible for quality and supportability. Make them compete with the best open-source products for quality and reliability.

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